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时间:2020-02-02     来源:育明教育白老师     作者:白老师      点击量:915





自己的利润?(8 分)









(a),均衡的市场价格和均衡产量是多少?货币表示的社会福利是多少?(5 分)


是多少?社会福利是多少? (5 分)

(c),如果政府强力打击二手交易,那么对社会福利有什么影响?为什么?(7 分)










3.(1)企业在给定产量Q 下,最小化自己成本,其生产函数是f(x),对于x 递增。即

Min x*w,s.t.f(x)≥Q。

假设该问题有解。那么如果企业在w1 和w2 下的选择投入组合是x1 和x2。那么证明,

(x1 — x2)( w1 — w2)≤0。( 10 分)

(2)假设企业是给定资金K,最大化自己产量Q,那么(x1—x2)( w1 — w2)≤0 是否依旧成立?说明理由。(10 分)




①+② 得       













4.市场需求是D(p)=30-p。两个厂商垄断市场,厂商1 的MC=0,厂商2 的MC=2。

(1)厂商1 先行定产量,那么求出均衡产量和价格;厂商2 先行定产,求出均衡产量和价

格。( 8 分)



产量和价格。(7 分)



       Max  pq2 - c2q2

            = (30-q1-q2) q2-2q2 = (28-q1-q2) q2  

      F.O.C     28-q1 - 2q2 = 0 q2 =14 – 1/2 q1         

      Put ① equation into the maximization of firm 1.We get

      Max  pq1 – c1q1

          = (30-q1-q2) q= (30-q1-14 + 1/2 q1) q1 =(16 – 1/2 q1) q1

      F.O.C     16 – 1/2 q1 – 1/2 q1 = 0 q1 =16          

Hence    q2 = 6                                        

         P = 30-q1-q2 = 30-16-6 = 8

If firm 2 moves first, then the same method with the former problem.

      Max  pq1 – c1q1 = (30-q1-q2) q1

      F.O.C     30-q1 - q2 -q1 = 0 q1 =15 – 1/2 q2          

Put ④ equation into the maximization of firm 2.

     Max  (30-q1-q2 -2) q2 = (28-q2-15 + 1/2 q2) q2 =(13 – 1/2 q2) q2

     F.O.C     13 – 1/2 q2 – 1/2 q2 = 0 q2 =13           

∴  q1 =15 – 1/2 q2 = 15-6.5=8.5

∴  P = 30-q1-q2 = 30-13-8.5 = 8.5

(2) Let’s first calculate the profit of firm 1&2 in the above two situations.

If firm 1 moves first, then  ∏1=8*16=128     ∏2=8*6-2*6=36

If firm 2 moves first, then  ∏1’=8.5*8.5=72.25    


Hence, we could draw a conclusion that both forms want to be the leader of this competition.

In order to get the right of leader, both firms will make the R&D. But we could see that the biggest expenditure the firm 1 will spend is ∏1- ∏1’=128-72.25=55.75, and any expense that is larger than 55.75 will not be come true, because the firm 1 prefers to be follower if the expenditure is larger than 55.75.

The same reason for firm2,the largest expenditure on R&D is

∏2- ∏2’=84.5-36=48.5.

From the analysis above, we can draw a conclusion that the equilibrium of R&D expense is 48.5 (if slight larger), which is be paid by firm 1,and firm 1 will be the leader in the next period. We see that the final equilibrium is that period 1, firm 1 will spend 48.5 on R&D and succeed to get right to move first, and firm 2 will spend 0 on R&D and it will be the follower next period; period 2, q1 *  =16  q2 *  =6  p *  =16  and

∏1 * = 128-48.5=79.5  ∏2 * =36


5.一家酒店每周可获得50 万收入,在资方和劳方之间分配。但盈利的前提是劳资双方就分



略、报酬等)。(8 分)

(2)假设,劳方可以在协议没有达成一致的时候找到临时工作,每周收入10 万元。那么

均衡解又是什么?(7 分)


(1)Let’s construct a model to illustrate the bargaining problem. Let x be the reward the capital proposed in the period 1, so, 50-x be the reward to labor, where x∈[0,50].If the labor didn’t agree with this proposal, then both payment is 0, that is (0,0).{The first 0 is to capital & the second 0 is to labor}

If the labor didn’t agree in the first period, then in the second period the labor will propose the dividend of profitability, we know that the proposal of labor must be (0, 50) in the second period, because any payment smaller than 50 is not optimal to labor obviously.(There we assure that if the payment is indifferent between acception and rejection, both labor and capital will accept.)

According to the backward induction, the capital will consider that is labor disagree with my proposal, he will get 50 in period 2.So, I must let labor get at least 50 in both periods and let him accept my proposal. Hence capital will propose (25, 25), and labor will accept.

In sum, the equilibrium is that period 1 ,capital propose (25, 25), and labor accept this proposal; period 2, both get (25, 25).

Let’s ignore the discount between periods, and the payment for capital & labor is (50, 50).

(2) If labor disagree with proposal in period 1, the payment is (0, 10), and the same inference as (1).

Hence the equilibrium is that period 1, capital propose (20, 30) and labor accept this proposal; period 2, both get (20, 30).The total payment for capital and labor are (40, 60).




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